IT basics for job seekers
Setting up an email account
Writing a CV Completing online application forms
Searching for jobs
Interview skills
Researching companies and job sectors
In instances where jobseekers require more in-depth support a referral to a careers advisor will be available.
Over the weeks information on more specific topics including an opportunity to attend talks and visit relevant areas will also be available, examples of topics covered include:
Courses and training
Information on starting a business
Money management
Working in Europe
No need to book, just come along, meet us and find out what it’s all about.
The Central Library Work Club is supported by Europe Direct Leeds as part of the EU’s creating sustainable growth and jobs strategy.
Work Club Dates for 2011:
Monday June 13th Monday September 26th
Monday June 27th Monday October 10th
Monday July 11th Monday October 24th
Monday July 25th Monday November 14th
Monday August 8th Monday November 28th
Monday August 22nd Monday December 12th
Monday September 12th
For further information please contact:
Keith Holdich Tel: 0113 247 8269
Tracy Hopkinson Tel: 0113 247 8266