Each work club kicks off with a focus topic, which often involves a talk from a relevant organisation, or a job seeker advice worker from within the work club team.
Recent talks have included: Preparing for Interviews
Benefits of Volunteering
Searching for Vacancies
Courses and Training
At our most recent work club Rosemary Sheen and Pam Mcfarlane talked to the group about the range of courses available through Leeds City College including how many hours jobseekers are able to spend studying and the type of courses that are likely to include concessions.
Rosemary told the group about the ‘routeways to work’ scheme which provides a vocational taster to work in a specific sector before applying for employment and/or taking on further training. Examples of areas covered include hospitality, sales and marketing and office work.
Rosemary also outlined details of ‘sector based work academies’ which will provide training, work experience and job interviews for job seekers over the next two years. Sectors covered include call centres, care work and retail. Contact your Job Centre plus advisor to find out more.
After the talk any jobseekers requiring quick advice about any aspect of the job seeking process are able to speak to a jobseeker advice worker. An IT suite is also set aside for jobseekers to access the internet and word processing facilities at the the work club.
The final work club for 2011 runs on Monday 12th December and will focus on preparing for job interviews. Tel 0113 2478266
The work club restarts in 2012 on the 9th January.
Look out for details of new focus topics in the New Year.