What is it?
An online discussion group focusing on information literacy and other aspects of user education.
Who can join in?
Anyone! You may be a current student of ILS, an established information professional or just generally interested in the subject area - everyone is welcome to participate.
How do I participate?
There are several options:
- Host a discussion: Pick an article to discuss (ideally open access to maximise possible participation), blog a summary here and select a few questions to get the discussion started.
- Join us in the comments: Read the article and/or the summary, get thinking about the questions raised and discuss or ask further questions in the Comments below the relevant blog post.
- Use your own blog: Discuss the article or related issues on your own blog, use the tag ILread and make sure we have the link so we can include you in your blog roll.
- Join us on Twitter: We're using the hashtag #ILread for all discussions relating to information literacy articles. You may like to use this tag to let everyone know if you've posted a relevant article on your own blog as well.
- Join our Zotero group: We're sharing our Zotero libraries online, feel free to contribute here too! It's best to add articles to a relevant folder, if possible, to help us see easily what's been added under different topics. If anyone prefers to use Mendeley go ahead and set up a similar group, and we'll add that link here too.
Do I have to use the suggested article or can I choose a different one to read?
Time is short and we all have our different research priorities - if you would prefer to consider a different article to the one proposed of course you can do that! Just use your own blog to discuss your chosen article, then share the link with us. Maybe you'd also like to propose to host a discussion about that article at a later stage, just let us know in the comments.
So what next?
Watch out for our next blog post introducing an article/other item for discussion and we'll go from there.