Online Journal Club: 13 March: ANCIL

The next online online blog-comment information literacy Journal Club meeting takes place at 8-9 pm UK time on Wednesday 13th March 2013 (see for times elsewhere - and note that this is one of those pesky times of year when the difference between times in the UK and times in North America are different from usual, because we go over to summertime later than the USA/Canada!).

The topic will be A New Curriculum for Information Literacy (ANCIL). For those new to ANCIL, you may want to start with the Executive Summary, which is here:
or by paging through the powerpoint which is embedded below.

As before, the real-time discussion will take place in comments to this blog post during the hour mentioned above. During that time the authors of ANCIL, Jane Secker and her colleagues, will be present and helping Niamh Tumelty and me facilitate discussion. People are also very welcome to add comments and questions before and after this real-time event. Note that moderation is usually turned on for comments (because otherwise we get spammed!), but we will turn moderation off on the day of the discussion, so that your comments appear immediately.

There is lots of information about ANCIL on the ANCIL website at On the website it explains that "ANCIL is the product of a two-phase research fellowship funded by the Arcadia Programme at Cambridge University Library. The original project research by Jane Secker & Emma Coonan (May-July 2011) produced A New Curriculum for Information Literacy, a structured and holistic framework for meeting the information literacy needs of undergraduates entering higher education over the next five years. A second phase researched by Helen Webster and Katy Wrathall (October-December 2011) looked at Strategies for Implementing the New Curriculum at a number of UK higher education institutions, including Cambridge."

There has been much interest in ANCIL internationally so we hope people will take this opportunity to discuss it ;-)

We will add some questions for discussion nearer the time!

Spring into Action 2013 6th March FREE business support event

A day of presentations, workshops and exhibitors - designed to support you and your business in 2013.
  • 8.30-8.55am : Registration and networking breakfast 
  • 9.00-9.30am : Presentation: Entrepreneur Pete Mills of Calls9: The journey from trainee solicitor to running his own digital agency. Pete's talk will include the highs and lows, what lessons he and partner Adam Roney have learnt since starting, how they built up their customer base, and things they wish someone had told them BEFORE they started!
  • 9.55-10.30am : Presentation: Business networking, nightmare or necessity? With Tina Boden, Enterprise Rockers
  • 10.45-11.45am:  Workshop A: Introduction to accountancy & bookkeeping. With Jane Tindall, WGN (max 25)
    Workshop B: How to make your marketing work. With Deborah Goodall, Aer8 Marketing (max 25)
  • 12.00-1.00pm : repeat of Workshops A and B above (max 25 at each)
  • 1.00-2.00pm : Break and chance to visit exhibitors with information on sourcing finance, patenting, finding premises, growing your business and more. 

If you need help with patenting and copyrights Ged Doonan of the Business & Patents Information Service will present a short talk on protecting your ideas during this lunch break.
There are a number of breaks built into the day enabling you to network with other delegates and visit the exhibitors.  Book your place now here.

Online Journal Club: 13th February! #ILread

Scroll down to see, and join in, the blog-post discussion of today's article!
The next blog-post discussion for our online Journal Club will be on this open-access article:
McKinney, P., and Sen, B. (2012). Reflection for learning: understanding the value of reflective writing for information literacy development. Journal of Information Literacy, 6(2),

The date and time will be Wednesday 13th February 8pm-9pm UK time (see for times elsewhere) . The live discussion will take place by posting blog comments on this blog. You can see what happened at the last discussion, here: People are obviously welcome to post comments before and after the "live" session.

Our February article reports on the use of a reflective information literacy report as part of the assessment for a business intelligence module, where the main piece of coursework was a business report (for a real local company). Hopefully you will have time to read the whole article, but I have also put up a few powerpoint slides to summarise the main points (see below) The article is by two of my colleagues here at the Information School (and I taught this module in the past).
I've set up some questions below, but people can jump into the discussion with their own questions and comments:

Questions for discussion could include:
- What did you think of the "Sea Change" model of reflection? (it is explained in more detail, with a clearer diagram here:!/file/Modes_of_Learning_Reflective_Learning_Sen.pdf )
- The students were told to use the SCONUL 7 Pillars as a framework for reflection, and the authors mapped the students' reflections against the Pillars and elements in them. Students reflected more deeply on some pillars than others e.g. for "Evaluate" there were quite a lot of reflective statements, but they were not at a particularly deep level, whilst the reflections on "Identify" were deeper. Deeper reflection is taken as an indicator of deeper learning with "critical self-questioning, and ability to see others point of view". Question: Have you noticed any differences in the depth of students' reflection from one Pillar to another?

- Do you think the student quotations might be helpful when working with other students?

(and more broadly)
- If you have input into modules (e.g. in a Business School) which entail producing a company report or market analysis, what kind of assessment is used, and are you involved?
Have you used reflective reports for learning and assessment of IL (in any subject)?
(Photo by me, boat reflected in Torshavn harbour)

Here are a few slides in which I have identified what I think are some key points in the article: